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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1312   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 31. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments section 4 of


article XXVI of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Courts."
No. 32. An act to repeal sections 11 and 14 of article 24 of the Pub-
lic Local Laws of Maryland, entitled "Worcester County," sub-


title "Almshouse," and to re-enact the same with amendments.......
No. 33. An act to give the consent of the State to the purchase of a
lot or lots of ground in Cumberland, Allegany county, Maryland,
by the United States of America, for the purpose of erecting
thereon a public building, and to cede to the United States of


America jurisdiction over the same........ ... ...... ........
No. 34. An act to repeal sections 196 to 209 inclusive of article 1 of
the Public Local Laws of Maryland, entitled "Allegany County,"
sub-title "Mine Inspector," and also to repeal sections 150 to 104
inclusive of article 12 of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, en-
titled "Garrett County," sub-title "Manufactures and Mines," pro-
viding for the appointment of a mine inspector for Allegany and
Garrett counties, and regulating the working and proper ventila-
tion of coal mines in said counties, and to re-enact them with
amendments, and to add certain new sections to said respective
articles, to follow in the first mentioned article, section 20y, to be
designated as "Sections 209 A, 209 B, 209 C and 209 D, and to follow
in the second mentioned article section 164, to be designated as


sections 164 A, 164 B and 164 C" .................... ... .... .....
No. 35. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Queen


Anne's county to grant a pension to James Hprney, of said county.
No. 36. An act to create a new election district in Garrett county,
Maryland, to be known and designated as election district number
thirteen, and to be composed of part of election districts numbers


ten and one, as now located. ... ............. .. . ..... ....
No. 37. An act to authorize the Mayor and Council of the town of
Kensington, Montgomery county, Maryland, to issue bonds for the
purpose of repairing or constructing sidewalks, and for other nec-


essary public improvements in the said town......................
No. 38. An act to authorize and direct the Board of School Commis-
sioners of Calvert County to erect a Public School House for
white children in the second election district of said county on the
public road leading from Barstow Post Office to Prince Frederick,
and within one-quarter of a mile of said post office, and to require
the County Commissioners of said connty to levy a sum of money,
not exceeding four hundred dollars, to pay for the land on which


said school house will be erected and for said building .........
No. 89. An act to provide for improving, reconstructing, remodel-
ing and furnishing the court house at Easton, in Talbot county,
and to authorize the County Commissioners of Talbot county to
raise money for said purpose by issuing bonds, and to provide for
the payment of the bonds so issued by levy of taxes on the asses-


sable property of said county..... . . ................. ..... ,.
No. 40. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Queen
Anne's county to grant a pension to Levy William Clough, of said


county..... .................... ...........
No. 41. An act supplemental to an act passed by the January Ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and ninety, of the General Assembly of
Maryland, chapter 130, entitled "An act to provide for the pur-
chase and construcaion of water works for the town of Frostburg,
in Allegany county, and to authorize the Mayor and Councilmen
of said town to issue bonds to pay the cost thereof," empowering
the Mayor and Councilmen of said town to issue additional bonds


to complete said water works.....................................


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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1312   View pdf image (33K)
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