ANNAPOLIS, April 5, 1898.
Statement of receipts and expenditures of the public moneys for the
fiscal year ended September 30th, 1897, furnished in obedience
to section 29 of Article 19 of the Code of Public General Laws.
Receipts into the Treasury for the Fiscal Year ended September 30,
Baltimore & Fredericktown Turnpike Co.........
$ 440 00
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company — Dividend
on Washington Branch.............. .........
27,500 00
Bonus on Corporations.................. .......
5,387 16
Contingent Fund of the Treasury................
Excess of Fees of Office....... . ........ ......
46,019 97
Farmers' National Bank of Annapolis — Divi-
dends on ........................... ...
2,555 85
Franchise Tax ............. ....... ........
29,059 93
Fines and Forfeitures ..........................
7,675 93
Interest on Personal Accounts......... .........
12,509 15
Interest on Deposits........... .................
11,982 07
Land Office.... ................................
1,786 97
Licenses — Auctioneers ....... .................
3,709 50
Billiard Table............... .........
7,725 60
Brokers............... ..............
27,445 52
Cigarette ........... ...............
12,641 11
Exhibition......... ..... ..........
2,859 57
Fishery — Chesapeake Bay ...... ....
612 77
Hawkers and Peddlers . ...........
2,480 12
High Liquor — Baltimore City...... ....
546,986 59
And Tax on Insurance Companies.......
139,069 82
Ordinary ..... ............'. .....
10,700 58
Oyster House... .....................
32,114 99
Oyster Measures . ..............
1,083 40
Oyster Canners or Packers............
5,821 73
Race and Fishery.....................
100 89
Traders............................. .
186,273 44
Traders — Liquor............ ........
9,625 47
To Dredge for Oysters ..............
42,058 14
To Sell Commercial Fertilizers . .....
8,595 00
To Tongs and Scrape..... ..........
14,289 45
Maryland Agricultural College — Interest on In-
vestments .................. . ..............
6,142 30
Maryland Hospnal for the Insane.............. .
12,587 55
Maryland Penitentiary..................... ....
17,724 45
Northern Central Railway — Interest on Mort-
gage.................... ................ .....
90,000 00
Oyster Packers' Fund .........................
1,682 02
Oyster Fond — From Clerks of Circuit Courts of
Kent, Talbot and Queen Anne's Counties......
1,900 00
Oyster Fines...................................
1,018 41