of any person or persons that may lose their life or lives while
engaged in work in or about any of the coal mines of said
counties, and he shall examine closely into the cause by which
such person or persons lost their life or lives, and if it shall be
shown that said person or persons lost their life or lives by any
wilful violation of any of the provisions of this Act by any
owner or lessee or agent of said mines or any wilful failure to
comply with its provisions, the widow or lineal heirs of the
person or persons whose life or lives shall be lost may insti-
tute a suit against said owner, lessee or operator of said mines,
where or wherein the accident took place, and may recover
such damages as the courts may determine for the loss they
have sustained by the death of the person or persons whose
life or lives have been lost while engaged at work in or about
said mines.
"200 of Article 1, and 154 of Article 12." That the said
Not to act as
land agent,
Mine Inspector, while in office, shall not act as fund agent or
superintendent or manager of any mine, and shall in no man-
ner whatever be under the employ of any mining companies
or owneis operating mines in said counties; and it shall be the
duty of said Mine Inspector on or before the first day of January
in every year to make a report to the Governor of his proceed-
ing as such Mine Inspector and the condition of each and every
mine in said counties, stating therein all accidents that may
have happened in or about said mines, and set forth in said
reports all such information that may be proper or beneficial,
and also to make suggestions, as he may deem important, as to
any further legislation on the subject of mining.
"201 of Article 1, and 155 of Article 12." That the owner,
To provide a
system of
lessee or agent of every coal mine that may now or hereafter
be in operation in said counties of Allegany and Garrett,
whether working by slope, shaft or drift, shall provide and
establish within six months from the passage of this Act for
every such mine a proper system of pure air ventilation by
satisfactory and effective modes, either natural or artificial, and
said ventilation shall be maintained thereafter as long as said
mine is worked or operated, in every working place through-
out the mine, and to expel from said mine the noxious gases
or impure air, so that the mine, in all its working headings,
rooms, cross cuts and working places, shall be in a healthful
condition for the men working therein, and free from danger
to their lives or health by keeping therefrom such impure air
or gases.
" 202 of Article 1, and 156 of Article 12." That the owner,
lessee or agent of every mine in operation in the counties of