bonds shall be deemed to be utterly abrogated and revoked.
And the Mayor and Council aforesaid are hereby directed to
place upon the official ballots to be used at said regular elec-
tion, the words "For the issue of bonds for Municipal Build-
ing," and "Against the issue of bonds for Municipal Building,"
with a space to the right thereof for the voter to indicate oy
his cross-mark whether he cast his ballot for or against said
proposition. And the Mayor and Council shall cause a copy
of this Act to be published in the Brunswick Herald, or in some
other newspaper having a large circulation in said town, and
shall give such other notice of the purport hereof as they shall
deem necessary, for at least three weeks before the day of elec-
tion, when the question of issuing said bonds is to be submitted
to a vote of the people as hereinbefore provided.
Approved April 9, 1898.
AN ACT to incorporate the "Union Bonding, Trust and 'De-
posit Company."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Samuel P. Ryland, Jr., Thomas E. Bond, Thomas
S. Mumford, Lewis Kemp Duval, George "W. Yellott, and
their associates and successors, and such otfcer persons as shall
hereafter become stockholders in the company hereby incor-
porated, shall be and they are hereby constituted a body politic
and corporate by the name and style of the "Union Bonding
Trust and Deposit Company," and by that name shall have .
perpetual succession, and be capable in law to acquire and
hold, and in anywise dispose of property, and to sue and be
sued, plead and be impleaded in any court whatever, to make
and use a common seal, and to alter the same at pleasure, and
generally to do everything proper to carry into effect the pro-
visions of this Act, or to promote the objects and designs of
the company hereby incorporated.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted That the capital stock
Capital stock.
of said company shall consist of tive hundred shares of the
par value of fifty dollars each, which aggregate two hundred
and fifty thousand dollars, with the privilege to the said corpo-
ration to increase the same from time to time to two million
dollars, in shares of the par value of fifty dollars each, by a
rote of the stockholders at a special meeting, or at a meeting
to be called for that purpose ; and the incorporators, or a
majority of them, shall have power to open books for subscrip-