No. 123. An act to amend the charter and enlarge
the powers of the North Baltimore Savings Bank
of Baltimore county, as now incorporated under
the provisions of title twenty-three, article forty,
of the Revised Code of Maryland, providing for
the formation of such corporation.....................
No. 124. An act to repeal sections three and five
of chapter twenty-eight of the act of eighteen
hundred and forty-one, entitled a supplement to
an act entitled "An act to incorporate a company
to make a turnpike road from Boonsborough, in
Washington county, to Swearingen's Ferry," on
the Potomac river, and to re-enact the same
with amendments.................................................
No. 125. An act to repeal chapter two hundred and
fifty-six of the acts of eighteen hundred and sev-
enty-eight of the Local Laws of Somerset county,
titled "Tangier District," sub-title "Fences"....
No. 126. An act to prevent the destruction of fish
by the use of dynamite or other explosive in the
waters and streams of Garrett county...................
No. 127. An act for the further protection of Rab-
bits in Worcester county...................................
No. 128. An act to authorize the county commis-
sioners of Montgomery county to levy certain
sums of money to pay the claims of R. H. Cissel,
Richard H. Perry and Upton Darby, for taxes
pai d in error........................................................
No. 129. An act further to amend an act of the
General Assembly of Maryland passed at the
January session, eighteen hundred and sixty-
seven, chapter one hundred and eight, entitled
"An act to incorporate the Yearly Meeting of
the Society of Friends held on Lombard street
in the city of Baltimore," so as to change the
corporate name of the corporation created by said
act, and also to give the sanction of the general
assembly to the holding by said corporation of
certain real estate for its uses as a religious so-
ciety ..................................................................