38. Where any deed, bond, bill, note or other
instrument of writing hath been executed in any
other of the United States or in any foreign
country, and to give validity to which recording
or registering is not made necessary, proof of
the execution of such deed, bond, bill, note, or
other instrument of writing by the oath of the
subscribing witnesses to the same, or any of
them, taken before a commissioner of this state
to take acknowledgment of deeds, or before any
court, judge or justice, or other officer of the
state or country where such deed, bond, bill or
instrument hath been executed, having authority
by law to administer an oath, and a certificate
under seal from the governor, chief magistrate
or a notary public of such state or country, that
the court or officer before whom such oath was
taken had authority to administer an oath, and
that such oath hath been duly made before such
court, judge, justice or other officer, or if proved
before the commissioner or notary public afore-
said, the same to be certified under his official
seal, shall be good and sufficient evidence in any
court of this state to prove such deed, bond, bill,
note or other instrument.
58. Copies of any record in the custody of any
of the clerks of the courts of law or equity, or
Sufficient evi-
register of wills, certified by such clerk or reg-
ister, under the seal of his office, shall be evi-
dence ; and all judgments and decrees, deeds
-and other papers and proceedings required by
law to be recorded, shall be considered records
within the meaning of this section. Short
copies of judgments or decrees, rendered by any
court of record of this state, certified by the
clerk under the seal of the court, with the
docket entries, shall be admissible evidence in
any other court in this state, to prove the re-
covery of such judgment or decree ; and it shall
not be necessary to produce a full exemplified
copy of the record in order to prove such judg-
ment or decree.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the following
section, providing an additional mode of taking
the depositions of non-resident witnesses to be
added to said article thirty-seven to come in
after section sixteen and to read as follows :