SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 5, 1888.
Chapter 451.
AN ACT authorizing the county commissioners
of Baltimore county to acquire by gift addi-
tional land for the bed of Edmondson avenue,
in Baltimore county, and authorizing and em-
powering them to fill up, grade, pave, curb
and build retaining walls along the same as
thus enlarged.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the county commissioners
of Baltimore county are hereby authorized to
Authority to
receive as a donation from Arunah S. Abell, Es-
quire, a lot of ground in Baltimore county,
bounded on the east by Baltimore city, on the
west by the east side of Smallwood street, as laid
down on Poppleton' s plat of the city of Baltimore,
on the north by a line drawn due west to the
east side of Smallwood street, and in extension
of the north side of Edmondson avenue as now
laid out in Baltimore city, and on the south by
the north line of Edmondson avenue as now laid
in Baltimore county; and that the said land,
when so acquired, shall form a part forever of
the bed of said Edmondson avenue as fully and
to all legal intent and purpose as if lawfully
condemned therefor.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That when a
legal transfer shall be made to said county com-
Pave, grade,
missioners by the party entitled to said lot, and
as a condition of said transfer the said, the
county commissioners of Baltimore county, are
hereby authorized and empowered to fill up the
bed of said avenue, as thus enlarged, between
the city limits and the Baltimore and Potomac
railroad, and to grade, pave, curb, and build the
necessary retaining walls along the sides
thereof; to contract with the lowest responsible