Chapter 439.
AN ACT to promote the public health and regu-
late the practice of medicine in the State of
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That every person practicing
medicine in any of its departments in this state
shall possess the qualifications required by this
act. If a graduate of medicine, he or she, shall
present his or her diploma to the state board of
health for verification as to its genuineness ; or
furnish such other evidence as may be satis-
factory to the said board of health that he or
she is a bona fide graduate of a reputable medi-
cal college, authorized by law to issue diplomas.
If the diploma has been issued by a legally
authorized medical college of good reputation
and standing, and if the person named therein
be the person claiming or presenting the same,
the state board of health shall issue its certifi-
cate to that effect, signed by the president and
secretary of the said board, and such certificate
shall be conclusive as to the right of the lawful
holder of the same to practice medicine in
this state ; provided, that the provisions of this
aet shall not apply to any person who has been
practicing medicine continuously within this
state for ten years before the passage of this
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the verification
of the diploma shall consist in the affidavit of
the holder or applicant that he or she is the
lawful possessor of the same, and that he or
she is the person therein named ; and for the '
purpose of this act the said state board of
health, or a majority thereof, is authorized to
administer oaths, or examine under oath, any
person applying for the certificate of the board.
Graduates may present their diplomas, with affi-
davits as to the genuineness of the same taken
before any person authorized to administer oaths
in this state, attested under the hand and official
seal of such officer, if he have a seal, by letter
or by proxy ; and the said state board of health
shall, if satisfied that the diploma has been
oaths, etc.