said bonds out of the annual taxes levied for
corporate purposes, and shall likewise annually
set apart therefrom the sum of two hundred dol-
lars, to be invested in a sinking fund to liquidate
said bonded loan at maturity ; and they shall
invest said sum authorized to be set apart as a
Secura a sup-
ply of water.
sinking fund annually in the manner provided
in section seventy-two of the amended charter
of said town to which this act is a supplement,
and shall be subject likewise to the penalties
mentioned in said section seventy-two ; the
money arising from the sale of said bonds shall
be expended by said commissioners of Cam-
bridge in securing an ample supply of water for
all town purposes, either by subscription to the
capital stock of some company hereafter to be
organized, or for sinking artesian or surface
wells or tanks, or in such other manner as the
commissioners may deem best to secure a water
supply in said town. The commissioners of
Cambridge be and they are hereby authorized
and directed to levy annually upon the taxable
property of Cambridge, as soon as water works
are contracted for to supply the said town with
water, a tax, in addition to those already allowed
by law, of five cents on the one hundred dollars,
and the money arising from said tax shall be set
apart and especially dedicated for the purpose of
furnishing the corporation of Cambridge with
water to be supplied by water works that shall
hereafter be erected.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage
Approved April 4, 1888.
Chapter 423.
AN ACT to incorporate the Baltimore county
water company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That James G. Wilson, Henry
C. Turnbull, Jr., David G. Mclntosh, Henry L.
Bowen, John T. Ensor, J. Maurice Watkins and