company shall also have power and authority
by their directors to mortgage the said road,
its extensions and branches, with all their per-
sonal and real estate, franchises, rights and
privileges for the security and payment, of the
said mortgage bonds and their obligations of the
said coupons.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the said Bal-
To sell or lease
timore and Cape Charles railroad company shall
have full power and authority to lease or sell
their road to any other railroad company, incor-
porated body, or person or persons whomsoever.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That if any per-
Penalty for
injuring prop-
firry, etc.
son or persons shall wilfully or knowingly
obstruct, break, injure or destroy any part of
the roadway, culvert, bridges, buildings, tracks,
or other appurtenances of the said railroad or
its branches, roads or any part thereof, to be
erected by said company in pursuance of this
act, or shall in any manner obstruct the free
passage along the said railroad or its branch
roads, he, she or they shall forfeit and pay to
the said company three times the actual dam-
ages so sustained, to be sued for and recovered
with costs of suit before any justice of the peace
of this state, or in any court having cognizance
thereof by action of debt, or on the case, in the
name and for the use of said company.