Chapter 430.
AN ACT to extend the privileges and enlarge
the powers of the Baltimore and Cape Charles
railroad company, incorporated under the Gen-
eral Laws of the State of Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the Baltimore and Cape
Charles railroad company, a corporation duly in-
corporated in the year eighteen hundred and
eighty-eight, under the provisions of an act of
the general assembly passed at the January ses-
sion eighteen hundred and seventy-six, chapter
two hundred and forty-two, entitled " An act to
provide for the creation and regulation of incor-
porated companies in the State of Maryland,"
and an act passed at the January session eighteen
hundred and seventy-four, chapter four hundred
and forty-six, relating thereto and codified in the
revised code in article forty-one, for the purpose
of building, equipping, maintaining and operat-
ing a railroad from a point near Elkton in Cecil
county, of the State of Maryland, on the Balti-
more and Philadelphia railroad, now owned and
operated by the Baltimore and Ohio railroad
company, and running through the counties of
Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne, Caroline, Dorchester,
Wicomico, Somerset and Worcester, to the
boundary line of the State of Maryland and Vir-
ginia ; and to continue through the state to Cape
Charles, as may be hereafter provided by the
State of Virginia, shall, in addition to the powers
granted under the aforesaid acts and the supple-
ments thereto and the amendments thereof, have
power to construct and operate a branch rail-
road ; to lease, buy and improve lands for pleas-
ure resorts along the lines of their road ; to lease,
buy and build wharves, houses and shops for
corporate purposes ; to charter, purchase and
hold steamboats and barges to ply, in connection
with their railroads, to any port or ports, place
or places whatsoever ; and to contract with the
owners of any steamboat or other railroad com-
pany for importation of freight or passengers to
and from any such railroad or steamboat.
powers grant-