the ballots that were cast for the candidates,
and all records of said election ; and the said
clerk of the circuit court for Washington county,
upon the receipt thereof, shall file the same.
The said clerk of said election shall notify all
candidates receiving the highest number of
votes of his election, and to what office he has
been elected.
SEC. 304. The corporation board, consisting
of burgess, assistant burgess, and three com-
missioners, shall convene at least once every
month during the year, and as much oftener as
may be required. They shall appoint as soon
as convenient a clerk, tax collector and police-
man, or policemen; and they shall have the
power to appoint one person for one or more
of the aforementioned positions.
SEC. 305. The clerk shall keep careful and
Board meet-
ings, etc.
accurate minutes of the proceedings of the cor-
poration board, record all ordinances in a book
to be kept for that purpose, called the " Ordi-
nance Book;" keep all records, papers and docu-
ments of the town in his safe custody.
SEC. 306. The "Tax Collector" shall collect
all the taxes assessed and levied by the burgess
Duties of
and commissioners for general and special pur-
poses, as authorized by this act and amendments
thereto; he shall keep an account of all money
collected and received by him, and shall pay over
to the burgess whatever money he may have in
his hands at the time the said burgess may make
said demand. The tax collector shall give a bond
to the burgess and commissioners, to be approved
by them, f or the faithful discharge of his duties,
in such penalty as they may prescribe ; the said
bond shall be for an amount of money not less
than double the amount of taxes levied, and shall
receive compensation for his services as the com-
missioners may deem proper; and any tax col-
lector who shall violate the provisions of this
section shall be liable to indictment in the circuit
court for Washington county, and upon convic-
tion shall be fined, imprisoned, or both, at the
discretion of the court.
Duties of col-
SEC. 307. The burgess and commissioners shall
have power to pass all ordinances for the good
government of the town; to prevent, remove and
Power to
make laws.