deposits of any married woman shall be received
or held and paid out on precisely the same terms
and conditions as those of other persons or cor-
porations, any law or statute of the state to the
contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the number of
directors shall be not more than twelve nor less
than seven, and the number of directors may be
changed from time to time within the limits as
to the number aforesaid, and no person shall be
eligible as a director who is not a bona fide holder
of at least five shares of the capital stock of the
bank, and who is not also a citizen of the state.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That an election of
Number of di-
rectors limit'd
directors of said bank shall be held annually at
the bank on the second Thursday in October,
and the board of directors shall give at least ten
days' notice in two or more daily newspapers
published in Baltimore city, and the stockholders
of said bank may vote either in person or by
proxy ; every election shall be by ballot, and the
plurality of the votes thus cast shall be neces-
sary to a choice. The directors shall elect a
president, vice-president, cashier and treasurer
annually from their own body, and shall appoint
such other officers, agents and servants as may
be necessary and fix their salary or compensa-
tion, and shall make such by-laws, rules and
regulations as may be necessary for the prose-
cution of the business of the bank. In case of
failure to elect directors on the day named, the
old board shall hold over until their successors
are elected and organized. In case of death, res-
ignation, removal out of the state or other dis-
qualification of any director or officer, the va-
cancy shall be filled by the directors for the bal-
ance of the time.
Elections to
be held annu-
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That every stock-
holder shall be entitled to one vote for every
share of stock which he, she, it or they may
hold to the number not exceeding fifty shares,
and to one vote for every additional two shares
to the number not exceeding one hundred shares
in all, and to one vote for every additional ten
shares thereafter ; but no shares of stock shall
entitle any holder to a vote which shall not have
been holden four calendar months previous to
Rules for vo-
ting stock.