pointed and paid by them, which assessment
shall not exceed the assessment of the same, for
county purposes, and the commissioners may
levy a tax thereon, not exceeding ten cents in
the hundred dollars worth of assessable property,
in any one year.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That any person
may appeal from the valuation of the assessor
to the commissioners, who shall meet on the first
Monday in June, after any such assessment, and
remain in session as long as may be reasonable
to hear and determine such appeals, and shall
give reasonable notice of any such meeting, and
shall increase or abate such assessment as they
may deem best.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That whenever
May appeal.
the commissioners shall levy a tax, they shall
cause to be made out an alphabetical list of the
persons charged therein, and shall cause to be
affixed thereto the respective sums to be col-
lected from such persons, and a warrant to the
chief bailiff to collect the same.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That the chief
Make alpha-
betical list.
bailiff shall, within ten days after the receipt of
such list and warrant, render to each person
named therein an account or tax bill showing
the amount due by him, if he be a resident of
the town ; and if he be a non-resident, and in
consequence thereof cannot conveniently be
served with said account or tax bill, he shall
publish such account or tax bill in some news-
paper printed and published in said Montgomery
county, at the expense of the taxpayer, and
may, unless the same be paid within thirty days
Render tax
after the delivery or publication of such account,
collect the same, with all costs, by distress and
sale of the real and personal property of the
delinquent at public auction, after giving at
least ten days' notice of such sale in some news-
paper published in said county.
SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That the president
Collect with
of the commissioners shall execute and deliver
to the purchaser a deed of the property so sold ;
and the said deed shall convey to the purchaser
the said property, and shall be presumptive evi-
dence of all the requirements of law having been
complied with in making such sale and deed.
Deliver deed.