part or parts of the certificates of indebtedness
of this state, issued under the provisions of this
act, at their face amount and value, for any part
or parts of the sterling bonds or evidences of
sterling indebtedness of this state of the same
aggregate amount and value, estimating each
pound sterling at the value of four dollars
eighty-six cents and six and a half tenths of a
how paid.
cent. In making such exchanges all fractions
of such aggregate exchangeable indebtedness of
this state to any holder of such sterling bonds,
or evidences of sterling indebtedness, amounting
to less than one hundred dollars, and all amounts
or differences of interest which may be required
to be paid by the state in making any of the ex-
changes authorized by this act, shall be settled
by the state, or by the persons liable to pay the
same in cash ; and all such differences which
may be payable to the state shall be received by
the said treasurer, upon the warrant of the
comptroller, into the treasury of this state.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if any of the
certificates of indebtedness, issued under the
provisions of this act, remain unexchanged on
the first day of July, in the year eighteen hun-
dred and eighty-nine, for sterling bonds or cer-
tificates of sterling indebtedness issued under
the act of eighteen hundred and thirty-eight,
chapter three hundred and eighty-six, the gov-
ernor, comptroller and the treasurer of this
state, or a majority of them, may at any time,
Advertise for
after said last-mentioned day, give notice by
advertisements published twice a week, for at
least four weeks [in two newspapers published
twice a week for at least four weeks], in two
newspapers published in each of the cities of
Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, before
the day mentioned in said advertisements as
the day for opening the proposals thereby called
for. that they will receive scaled proposals for
the purchase of so many of such certificates of
indebtedness issued under the provisions of this
act as may not have been exchanged, as pro-
vided for in this act, at prices not less than the
par or face value of the said certificates of in-
debtedness and the interest accruing thereon.
On the opening of such proposals, so many of