205. The governor, by and with the advice and
consent of the senate, shall biennially appoint
three persons, residents and voters in the city of
Baltimore, two of whom shall always be selected
from the two leading political parties of this state,
one from each of said parties, who shall be styled
the board of supervisors of elections in the city
of Baltimore. Each of said supervisors shall re-
ceive the annual salary of twelve hundred and
fifty dollars, and shall hold office for two years
from the date of his appointment, and shall ex-
ercise the powers and perform the duties here-
inafter set forth ; and in case of a vacancy occur-
ring in said board when the legislature is not in
session, such vacancy shall be filled by the gover-
nor. It shall be the duty of said board, not later
than the fifteenth day of April in each year, to
Appoint board
or supervisors
of elections.
appoint three officers of registration for each of
the precincts of said wards in the city of Balti-
more, two of whom shall always be selected from
the two leading political parties of this state, one
from each of said parties, and all of them shall
be legal voters residing in the precinct for which
they are appointed, and shall be men of approved
integrity and capacity, and none of them shall
hold office or employment under the government
of the United States, or of the State of Maryland,
or of the city of Baltimore, and they must not be
candidates for office at the next ensuing election.
Immediately upon the appointment of said offi-
cers of registration, the said board of supervisors
Appoint offi-
cers of regis-
of election shall publish their names daily, for
one week, in four of the newspapers published
in the city of Baltimore, to the end that ample
public opportunity may be given to investigate
and determine any complaints that may be pre-
ferred to said board in writing against their fit-
ness and qualifications to act as such officers of
registration ; should any such complaints be so
preferred, it shall be the duty of said board to
examine promptly into the same and to remove
any of such officers of registration whom, upon
inquiry, they shall find to be unfit or incapable,
and to appoint others in their stead possessing
Publish names
of supervisors.
the qualification hereinbefore prescribed. The
names of all persons substituted in the place of
those who shall be removed or excused for