No. 523. An act to prescribe the conditions on
which the Antietam Guards, of Washington
county, may become members of the Maryland
National Guard ..................................................
No. 524. An act to appropriate a sum of money to
repay to Thomas Owings, administrator d. b. n.
c. t. a. of Thomas R. Hand, deceased, taxes erro-
neously paid to the state....................................
No. 525. An act to authorize the county commis-
sioners of Garrett county to erect a bridge over
Castleman's river, in said county.......................
No. 526. An act making appropriations for the
support of the state government for the fiscal
year ending on the thirtieth day of September,
eighteen hundred and ninety...............................
No. 527. An act to add four sub-sections to sec-
tion two, chapter three hundred and fifty-eight,
acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, entitled
" An act to incorporate the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Employes' Relief Association "............
No. 528. An act to authorize the mayor and city
council of Baltimore to make an appropriation
for erecting a monument to the memory of Fran-
cis Scott Key, U. S. A., for his patriotic devotion
to his country, and for his authorship of the im-
mortal anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner,"
during the years of eighteen hundred and twelve
and eighteen hundred and fourteen......................
No. 529. An act to add a section to article sev-
enty-five of the Code of Public General Laws,
title "Pleadings, Practice and Process," to fol-
low immediately after section seventy of said
article, and be numbered seventy A...................
No. 530. An act to authorize the comptroller of
the treasury to strike from the books of his office
sundry amounts which still stand charged to the
collectors of state taxes for Baltimore city for
the years from eighteen hundred and forty-eight
to eighteen hundred and sixty-seven inclusive,
and to discontinue the further publication of said
amounts in the comptroller's report....................