and causeways, according to plans and specifications to be by
said commissioners furnished when requested so to do by any
person or persons particularly interested therein; provided,
however, that the contract for the building and constructing of
said bridges and causeways shall not be awarded to any person
or persons until such person or persons shall enter into a bond
in double the amount of the bid or offer, which said bond shall
be in the usual form and contain the usual conditions, and be
subject to the approval or rejection of the said commissioners ;
and provided further, that the contract price shall in no case
exceed the amount deposited in the Denton National Bank as
provided for in section one of this act.
Bond of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That when the location of said
bridges shall have been determined by the persons particularly ,
interested therein, and the same shall have been communi-
cated to the commissioners in writing, and when the provisions
of sections one and two of this act shall have been complied
with, the said commissioners are hereby authorized and em-
powered to acquire by inquisition, purchase or otherwise the
lands necessary for the construction of said bridges and cause-
ways; and said bridges when built and accepted by said com-
missioners shall be maintained and kept in proper repair by
Caroline county as free bridges.
To acquire
land .
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the County Commissioners
shall annually appoint some suitable and competent persons to
act as bridge keepers, whose duty it shall be to attend to the
opening and closing of the draw of said bridges, and also to
attend to such other duties in regard to keeping said bridges in
safe and proper condition for public travel; and the said bridge
keepers shall receive such compensation for his services as the
said County Commissioners shall deem just and proper, to be
provided for, together with all other necessary expenses for
maintaining and keeping said bridges in safe repair and condi-
tion, in the annual road levy for said county; provided, how-
ever, that the draw in said bridges shall at no time be left
open longer than is necessary to allow the passage through said
draw of the boat or steamer for which the same was opened.
Approved April 6th, 1894.