three per cent, on the amount collected and his expenses as
aforesaid, to be paid by the party paying, who shall be
entitled to an itemized bill; and if the treasurer, or any clerk,
agent or deputy of such treasurer, shall ask, demand or' receive
any greater costs or fees than as are allowed by the provisions
of this section, or shall receive any pay or commission for or on
account of advertising, printing or surveying, or any contract
therefor, or for anything which may be done under the pro-
visions of any of the sections of this sub-title of this article,
or shall for himself or any other person discount or buy or
receive for less than its face and real value any claim against
said county or certificate of indebtedness issued thereby, the
person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon indictment and conviction, shall pay a fine of not
less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars for
each and every such offence; one-half to go to the informer
and the other half to go to the school fund of said county.
of new
SEC. 233. It shall be the duty of the treasurer at all times to
inform himself by all lawful means of all property, stock or
investments in said county liable to taxation and not included
in the last revised lists of assessments, and of all buildings
and improvements, and of all property created or acquired
since said revised assessments, and shall value the same at the
full cash value thereof, and shall make return thereof to the
County Commissioners, with the post office address of the
person assessed : and for the purpose of this section, the said
treasurer shall be clothed with the power of general assessor,
and shall receive the fees heretofore allowed by law or usage
to collection of taxes, for assessing new property in said
Duty ot
county, and his valuation shall be subject to revision and
correction by said commissioners. It shall be the duty of the
several constables appointed for said county, by all lawful
means to inform themselves of all property, stock or invest-
ments, and of all building and improvements, and all property
created or acquired in their respective districts, which is not
included in the lists of assessments, and shall make return of
the same to the treasurer, who shall assess the same and make
return to the County Commissioners as hereinbefore pro-
vided; and on the valuation of all such property so returned
by said constables, they shall be allowed one-half of the fees
provided for the assessment of new property, and the treasurer
shall be allowed the other half; provided, however, that in no
case shall any fees be allowed to any constable except the one
first making return to the treasurer as aforesaid, nor for the