previous notice of the time and place thereof, in some news-
paper published in Baltimore county, and said stockholders
shall elect by ballot at such meeting, directors of said corpora-
tion, all of whom shall be stockholders in said corporation,
who shall hold office for one year from the day of their
election, and until their successors shall be elected and quali-
fied, to conduct and manage the affairs and business of said
corporation; said stockholders shall each be entitled to one vote
for each share of stock they shall hold at the time of such
election; and such election shall be made by such of the stock-
holders as shall attend such general meeting, either in person
or by proxy; and the directors of said corporation, except for
the first year, shall be annually elected by the stockholders in
general meeting, and at such time and place as shall be directed
by the by-laws of said corporation.
To elect
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the directors so
elected shall, as soon after their election as practicable, elect
one of their members president of said corporation, and the
said president and directors, or their successors in office, or a
majority of them, shall have full power to appoint and at their
pleasure to dismiss such clerks, treasurer, engineer or engi-
neers, superintendents and such other officer or agents as they
may deem expedient, and to fix the compensation or salary of
all officers or employees of the company; and if any vacancy
or vacancies shall occur in the office of president or in the
board of directors of said company by death, resignation or
otherwise, the remaining directors shall choose another presi-
dent or directors in their stead from the stockholders of said
company, who shall continue in office until the next general
election of directors.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the principal office
of said corporation shall be in Baltimore county, where all
meetings of said company and the directors shall be held, at
such times as may be fixed upon by the by-laws for the trans-
action of the business of the company; and correct minutes of
all proceedings shall be kept and entered in a book, to be open
to the inspection of any stockholder.
May build
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the said corpora-
tion, after being organized as hereinbefore provided, may
construct and thereafter keep in repair a bridge over Back
river, at New Warsaw, in Baltimore county, from said New
Warsaw to a point on the opposite or other bank or side of