Certificate of
Judges to
which certificate shall be as follows : To , whereas an
election for ——— was held on the ——— day of —— , in the year
——— , in the city of Frederick and in the aldermanic district
designated by number —— , conformably to the laws of the
State of Maryland and the charter of Frederick; and whereas,
we, the subscribers, attending judges at the close of election in
said district, having thus assembled in the office of the register
of Frederick city with the books of the polls, on which are
endorsed the several certificates agreeably to law, and having
cast up the whole number of votes, given in said aldermanic
district according to the certificates made out on the day of
election by the judges — it appears that —— has the greatest
number of legal votes for ——; whereupon we do determine,
declare and return, that the said —— is duly elected. Given
under our hands, this —— day of —— , in the year —— .
Immediately upon receiving and tiling said certificate, said
register shall notify the persons chosen of their election, in
accordance with the return of the judges.
Approved April 6th, 1894.
AN ACT to add additional Sections to Article seventeen of
the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, entitled
"Prince George's County," sub-title "Laurel," providing for
the improvement and repair of the streets of Laurel, Mary-
land, and authorizing the issuance of bonds for that pur-
pose, to be known as Sections 246 G, 246 H, 246 I, 246 K,
246 L, 246 M, 246 N, 246 O, 246 P and 246 Q.
New sections.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the following additional sections be and the
same are hereby added to article seventeen of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland, entitled "Prince George's
County," sub-title "Laurel," to be known as sections 246 G,
246 H, 246 I, 246 K, 246 L, 246 M, 246 N, 246 O, 246 P and 246 Q.
246 G. The mayor and city council of Laurel, on the written
request of a majority of the land owners on any street in
Laurel, desiring to have the said street improved, shall have
the power and is hereby authorized to improve the streets ot
Laurel with brick or other permanent sidewalks, stone gutter-