land, tenements, goods and chattels of the same from being
also liable for and chargeable with the same excess; and such
of the said directors as may have been absent when the said
excess was created or who may have dissented from the resolu-
tion or act whereby the same was created, may respectively
exonerate themselves from being; so liable by forthwith giving
notice of the fact and of their absence or dissent, to the Gov-
ernor of the State and to the stockholders at a general meeting,
which the dissenting directors shall have power to call for that
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That a half yearly dividend
shall be made to the stockholders of as much of the net profits
of the said corporation, as shall appear advisable to the direc-
tors; said dividends shall be declared on the first Monday of
January and July, and shall be payable on the second Monday
of the month in which they are declared; and if the directors
shall at any time wilfully or knowingly make or declare any
dividend which shall impair the capital stock, all the directors
present at the making or declaring such dividend, and consent-
ing thereto, shall be liable in their individual capacities for the
amount or proportion of the capital stock so divided by the
directors, and each director who shall be present at the making
or declaring of such dividend shall be deemed to have con-
sented thereto, unless he shall immediately enter his dissent in
writing on the minutes of the proceedings of the board, and
give public notice to the stockholders that such dividend has
been declared.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the directors of the cor-
poration may at any time call a general meeting of the stock-
holders for any purpose relating to the institution, giving at
least two weeks' notice by advertisement in some newspaper or
newspapers published in the town of Salisbury, of the time
and place of such meeting; and any number of the stock-
holders owning not less than one-fourth of the stock of the
corporation may at any time apply to said directors to call a
general meeting of the stockholders for any purpose relative
to the institution; and if the directors shall fail to call such
meeting, the stockholders owning not less than the aforesaid
amount of one-fourth of the stock of the corporation shall
have power to call a general meeting of the stockholders,
giving notice as aforesaid, and specifying in said notice the
object of said meeting; and it is hereby made the duly of the
directors and cashier of the bank, upon the application of any