SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the railroad so to be con-
How to be
structed shall be single or doable track, and shall have as many
sets of tracks, switches and turnouts and branches as the said
directors may deem necessary; and the said directors, or a
majority of them, or their agents, may cause to be made, or
contract with others for making said railroad tracks, switches,
turnouts, branches, power-houses and trolleys, or any part
thereof, including building of bridges, necessary warehouses,
depots and stations, and all work whatsoever which may be
necessary to the proper completion and working of said rail-
road and branches, and may acquire any land, earth, stone,
gravel or other material required for any of the purposes
aforesaid, by agreement with the owner or owners of any
land, earth, timber, gravel or other materials, or any im-
provements for the construction or repairs of said road
or its works, for the purchase or use and occupation of the
same; and in case they do not agree, or if the owner or owners
or any of them, be a feme covert, under age, Or non compos
mentis, or out of the county in which the property may lie,
Power of con-
when such lands or materials may be needed, the said company
may proceed to condemn and acquire the use of the same for
the purposes of said railroad or for the purposes of the motive
power thereof, in the manner provided for by the Code of
Public General Laws, article 23, sections 167, 169 and 173,
inclusive, so far as the same may be applicable, and may con-
demn land, easements, rights of way, material and privileges
for the purposes of the company in the manner aforesaid, and
shall have all other rights, privileges and powers which are
granted by the general laws so far as the same does not con-
flict herewith.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That said board of directors are
hereby authorized to open books for subscription to the capital
stock of said railroad company, at such times and places as
they may deem proper, and receive subscriptions in money or
in property, real, personal or mixed, or in labor or services, at
such valuation as may be agreed upon between the said com-
pany and those subscribing at the time of said subscription ;
and said board of directors shall have power to determine in
what installments said subscriptions to said capital stock shall
be paid; and upon failure to pay any such installment on any
such subscription within twenty days after the same may be
due and demandable, the stock on which is demanded, shall, at
the pleasure of said board of directors, be forfeited to the
company and sold for its benefit; but the board of directors