article 23 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Wicomico
County, "sub-title "Birds and Game," bo and the same are
hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments, to read as
follows; and that the following new sections be added to said
article to follow section eight, and to be numbered sections
A, B and C.
1. It shall be unlawful for any person in Wicomico county
to shoot, kill or in any way take, trap, catch or destroy, at any
time, in said county, any mocking-bird, blue-bird, swallow,
martin, robin, cat bird, woodpecker, sparrow, wren, whippoor-
will, dove, thrush, lark, kildee, red-bird, bobolink, yellow-bird,
linnet, bat, night-hawk, branch robin, gold-finch, sap-sucker,
tomtit, or any other insectivorous bird; and each and every
person violating the provisions of this section shall be fined
tive dollars for each and every bird proved to have been shot,
killed or in any way taken, trapped, caught or destroyed.
Game law.
2. It shall be unlawful for any person in said county to
shoot, kill, take, trap or in any manner destroy or catch, in said
county, woodcock, between the first day of February and, the
fifteenth day of June; plover or sand-pipers, partridges and
quail, between the fifteenth day of January and the fifteenth
day of November; wood or summer ducks, between the first
day of January and the tenth day of September; squirrels,
between the fifteenth day of February and the first day. of
September; rabbits, between the fifteenth day of January and
the first day of November; and musk-rats, between the
fifteenth day of March and the fifteenth day of December ;
and every person violating the provisions of this section shall
be fined ten dollars for each and every woodcock, plover or
sand-piper, partridge, quail, duck, squirrel, rabbit, mink, otter
or musk-rat, so killed, taken, trapped, shot or destroyed within
said specified times; and possession of any of the within
named birds or game, dead or alive, within any of the specified
times, by any person in said county, shall be deemed unlawful,
and be punishable by a fine of ten dollars for each and every
such bird or animal so killed or in possession of any person.
Game law.
3. The possession by any person of any of the birds, ducks
or game mentioned in the preceding sections, during the time
when the shooting, killing, taking, trapping, catching or
destruction of them is therein prohibited, shall be deemed
prima facie evidence of the guilt of the person possessing the
Game law.