Governor of the State annually the amount of oysters
measured and inspected, in the city, town or port for which
they shall be respectively appointed.
of licensed
61. The general measurers and inspectors of oysters of Bal-
timore city, or a majority of them, are empowered and author-
ized to suspend the right or privilege of any person, licensed to
measure or inspect oysters in said city, to measure or inspect
oysters under said license; provided, however, that no such
right to suspend shall exist unless a charge is pending against
said licensed measurer and inspector, for a violation of the pro-
visions of this article, in reference to the measurement and
inspection of oysters, and if such charge shall be dismissed by
a court of competent jurisdiction, such suspension shall end;
and upon notice from the buyer or seller of oysters, the gen-
eral measurer and inspector of oysters shall designate the
measurer and inspector, or licensed measurer and inspector, to
measure and inspect the oysters sold out of said vessel.
tion of
62. All general meaeurers and inspectors of oysters shall
receive a compensation for the faithful performance of their
duties, of ten cents per hundred bushels, except the general
measurers and inspectors for the city of Baltimore, who shall
receive ten cents per hundred bushels, to be paid by the seller,
and collected for the general measurers and inspectors of
oysters, when oysters are sold by the cargo, or wholesale by the
buyer, and when oysters in quantity or retail, by the commis-
sion merchant selling such oysters; and any seller who shall
refuse to pay such compensation, and any buyer or commission
merchant who shall refuse to collect and pay over any such
compensation to the said general measurers and inspectors of
oysters, as well as all other persons who shall violate any of the
provision of this article, from 57 to 62, inclusive, or interfere
with any of the general measurers and inspectors of oysters in the
discharge of their duties, upon conviction by any justice of the
peace or court of competent jurisdiction of this State, shall
pay a fine of twenty dollars and costs, one-half of said fine to
be paid to the informer and the other half to the Comptroller,
to the credit of the oyster fund; and in default of payment of
said fine, said person shall be confined in jail for a period not
to exceed twenty days.
63. All oysters measured in this State shall be measured
either in a one half bushel tub, a bushel tub, a bushel and one-
half tub or a three-bushel tub; and all instruments or measure-
ments for measuring oysters in the shell shall be an iron