47. If any creek, cove or inlet not exceeding one hundred
yards at low water in breadth at its mouth make into the land,
or if any creek, cove or inlet of greater width than one hun-
dred yards at low water mark make into the lands, the owner
or other lawful occupant shall have the exclusive right to use
such creek, cove or inlet, when the mouth of said creek, cove
or inlet is one hundred yards or less in width; and when the
said creek, cove or inlet is more than one hundred yards in
width at its mouth at low water, the said owner or other lawful
occupant shall have exclusive right to use such creek, cove or
inlet so soon as said creek, cove or inlet in making into said
land or lands shall become one hundred yards in width at
low water, for preserving, depositing, bedding or sowing
oysters or other shell fish, although such cove, creek or inlet
may not be included in the lines of any patent; and in all such
cases such right of the riparian proprietor shall extend to the
middle of such creek, cove or inlet.
right to
creeks 100
yards or
less in
48. That it shall be unlawful without authority from the
owner for any person or persons to take or catch planted or
bedded oysters, knowing them to be so planted or bedded, or
to remove, break off, destroy or otherwise injure or alter any
stakes, bounds, marks, buoys or other designation of any of
said beds; any person or persons violating the provisions of
this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on convic-
tion before the Circuit Court or a justice of the peace for the
oysters from
private beds.
county where the oysters were bedded, shall be fined not less
than ten nor more than two hundred dollars, or be sentenced
to the house of correction for a term of not less than three
months nor more than one year, at the discretion of the said
judge or justice.
49. Any person convicted before a justice of the peace
under any of the preceding provisions of this article, shall in
all cases have the right of an appeal to the circuit court for
the county.
Right of
50. Any person dragging, raking or dredging for oysters
within five hundred vaYds of either edge of the new channel
at the mouth of the "Patapsco river, known as the. Craighill
channel, extending from the seven-loot knoll to the mouth of
the Magothy river, or within tive hundred yards of either
edge of the cut-off connecting the Brewerton and Craighill
channels, shall forfeit his boat or vessel; and it shall be lawful
for any justice of the peace of the county or city in which
near Craig-
hill channel.