engineer or machinist at a salary of eight hundred dollars per
annum, and for the steamer in commission the following
additional officers and crew: one assistant at tive hundred
dollars per annum, one pilot at a salary of thirty dollars per
month, three seamen at a salary of twenty-five dollars each
per month, and two firemen at twenty-five dollars each per
month, one steward and one cook at a salary of twenty-five
dollars each per month; and each deputy commander of the
said vessels shall receive a salary of seven hundred and fifty
dollars per annum, and he shall have the power to appoint one
officer at a salary of tive hundred and fifty dollars per annum,
and four seamen at a salary of thirty-five dollars per month
during the oyster season, and thirty dollars per month after
the season; except the deputy commander of the second guard-
boat of the second district, who shall receive fifty dollars per
month for the year, and shall appoint a mate at a salary of
forty dollars per month, and two seamen at thirty dollars per
month each; each to be selected from the district in which
they are respectively to serve.
Duties of
officers of
Police force
43. It shall be the duty of all officers of the Oyster Police
Force to diligently watch, and guard, and to arrest all violators
of any of the provisions of this article; and the commanders
of both the vessels and steamers shall keep their boats on duty
at all times, both by day and night, so far as possible, Sundays
included, and shall cruise near to the line dividing the grounds
which they are assigned to guard, from the dredging grounds,
and shall harbor as near said line as it is possible for them to
do, and shall remain on board their boats at all times, unless
disabled by sickness or excused by the commander of the
force; and shall keep a log of their movements, and shall once
in each month forward a copy of such log to the office of the
commander; any violation of duty in these respects shall be
deemed a sufficient cause for the removal of any officer, and
he shall be so removed.
44. The State Fishery Force shall have authority to enforce
all laws of this State relating to fish, whether general or local ;