Removals for
neglect of
35. The Board of Public Works shall have power to remove
any officer of said force for neglect of duty or incompetency ;
and the commander of the force shall have power to suspend
any officer of the force for a period not exceeding thirty days
for any neglect of duty; and any officer commanding in said
force shall have power to remove any subordinate under his
command and to appoint a person to fill the vacancy whenever
the interest of said service may, in his judgment, require him
so to do.
Repairs to
steam era.
36. The Board of Public Works shall have power and it
it shall be their duty to keep the steamers and sail vessels in
good order and repairs; and for the purpose of reducing
the expenses of the State Fishery Force, the said board is
authorized and hereby required to lay up and put out of com-
mission one steamer, and under no circumstances shall the said
steamer be placed in commission, except during the dredging
season, and only then in such emergency as the Board of
Public Works may judge is necessary that both steamers are
required to enforce the provisions of this article; and in such
cases the commander shall take command of said steamer and
ship a crew, and as soon as the emergency is passed, the said
commander shall discharge said crew and place said steamer
out of commission again, retaining her engineer and pilot, the
first named to keep in good order the engine and machinery of
said boat, and the second named to act as watchman. The
Board of Public Works is further authorized and required to
reduce the number of employes on the sailboats, from the
fifteenth day of April until the fifteenth day of September of
each year, to three, viz., captain, mate and cook, excepting the
schooner Nellie Jackson, the Folly and the Baughman, of
which shall consist of the three above named crew and a sea-
man, making four men to each of the above-named boats; and
the Board of Public Works is hereby authorized to contract
for sloops or vessels to guard the line from the first of October
to the first of April, between the tongers and dredgers, from
the long wharf at Cambridge to Bowdle's house in Talbot
county, and to rent or hire suitable boats to guard the waters
of Herring bay, Manokin river, St. Mary's river, Holland and
Hooper's straits, and Pocomoke river and sound, the price to