received by him for such licenses, which sum shall be placed
to the credit of the oyster fund.
31. If any boat or vessel shall be seen sailing on any of the
Sailing in
waters of this State which are exempted from dredging by
law, in the same manner in which they sail to take or catch
oysters with scoop, scrape, drag or dredge or similar instru-
ment, the said boat or vessel shall be pursued by any ofiicer
authorized by this article to make arrests, and if said boat or
vessel apprehended by said officer, shall be found to have on
board any wet oysters, or the dredges, or dredge line, or deck
wet, indicating the taking of oysters at said time, and properly
equipped for taking or catching oysters with scoop, scrape,
drag or dredge or similar instrument, such fact shall be prima
facie evidence that the said boat or vessel has been used in
violation of the provisions of this article; and it shall be the
duty of the officer to arrest the person in command of said
boat or vessel, together with all her equipments, and bring
the same before a judge or justice of the peace of the county
having jurisdiction, or if in the Chesapeake bay, in the county
most accessible or convenient, to be dealt with according to
law; provided, that nothing in this article shall be construed
to prohibit vessels from seeking harbor in any waters of this
State. The provisions of this section shall extend to all boats
licensed to take oysters with scoop or scrape by any county of
this State.
for guard
32. The Board of Public Works are empowered and directed
to purchase for each of the guard boats such arms and ammu-
nition as may be necessary to make them efficient, and the
officers of such boats shall be authorized to use such arms, in
their discretion, for the enforcement of the provisions of this
33. For the more efficient working of the State Fishery
Force, the waters of this State shall be divided into seven dis-
tricts, of which the waters of Kent and Queen Anne's shall be
the first; the waters of Queen Anne's and Talbot shall be the
second; the waters of Talbot and Dorchester, the third; the
waters of Wicomico, the fourth; the waters of Somerset, the
fifth; the waters of Anne Arundel, the sixth; the waters of
St. Mary's, Charles and Calvert, the seventh; each of the said
districts shall be guarded by one sailing vessel, except the
second, which shall be guarded by two; and the third, which
shall be guarded by four; and the sixth and seventh, which
shall be guarded by two each; and it shall be the duty of the