same to be posted in not less than five of the most public
places in said town; he shall file and keep all original papers
entrusted in his care; he shall act as treasurer to said corpora-
tion, and as such shall keep in a well-bound book an accurate
account of the receipts and disbursements of all moneys and
funds of the said corporation, and shall pay out said funds
only on the order of the chairman of the council, after bills or
orders therefor shall have been passed by a majority of the
council; he shall report annually in writing, to the mayor and
council, a detailed statement of the financial condition of the
corporation, showing the several sums of money received and
expended, from whom received, and for what purpose and on
what account expended, and to whom paid, and shall cause
copies of said statement to be posted in not less than five of
the most public places in said town; he shall perform such
other duties, and shall receive such compensation for his ser-
Duties of
vices from the funds of the corporation, as said mayor and
council may prescribe or fix by order or ordinance, and he shall
give bond for the faithful performance of his duties as such
clerk and treasurer, with security to be approved by the mayor
in such penal sum as shall be prescribed by ordinance, which
bond shall be made to the said corporation, and carefully filed
among their papers, and recorded in the minutes of their pro-
SEC. 52. The Mayor and Council shall hare power to pass
all ordinances, not contrary to law, necessary within the limits
of said town to preserve the health, peace and safety of the
inhabitants thereof, to prevent and remove nuisances and
annoyances, to suppress gambling, to prevent the firing of
cannon, guns, pistols, firecrackers and other explosive instru-
ments or materials within the corporate limits; to restrain all
disorders and disturbances; to suppress fires and the danger
thereof; to make or cause to be made and repaired, all neces-
sary drains, sewers, culverts and bridges; to license public
amusements, shows and exhibitions, fix the sums of moneys to
be paid therefor, and prescribe the mode of collecting the
same; and to provide for the good government and general
police of the town; and they shall have power to enforce the
observance of all such ordinances by fines, penalties and for-
feitures, not exceeding twenty dollars for any one offense.
May pass
to preserve
health, etc.
SEC. 53. They shall have the power to pass all ordinances
necessary to regulate or prevent the going at large, within the
corporate limits, of horses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, geese, or
To prevent
cattle going
at large.