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Session Laws, 1894 Session
Volume 480, Page 353   View pdf image (33K)
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exercise in the name and on behalf of said company, all rights
and privileges which are hereby given, and to generally do,
execute and enforce all and singular such acts, contracts, mat-
ters and things as may be necessary to carry out the object and
protect the interests of said body corporate.

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of said


company shall consist of ten thousand shares, of the par value
of fifty dollars each; and when the par value of any share
shall have b'een fully paid in, the amount of two hundred
thousand dollars shall have been subscribed and fully paid up ;
and should the capital stock at any time, be increased, the stock-
holders, at the time of such increase, shall be entitled to a pro
rata share of euch increase, upon the payment of the value of
the same.

Capital stock

SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the directors, aforesaid,
shall have power to declare such dividends of profits of the
said company as they may deem proper; provided, that no
dividend shall be declared when the capital stock would be
impaired thereby.


SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of said
company shall be invested in bonds and mortgages upon fee
simple or leasehold estate, or in securities or bonds of the
United States, or in stocks, securities or bonds of States or of
incorporated cities, or in such real estate as may be required
for the use of the company in the erection of a suitable
building in which to carry on its business, in the discretion of
the said company.


SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That said company is hereby
authorized and empowered to insure the fidelity of persons
holding places of trust or responsibility in, to or under any
State, county, city, corporation, company, person or persons,
whatsoever; to become security for the faithful performance of
any trust, office, duty, contract or agreement, and to supersede
any judgment or to go upon any appeal bond or other bond ;
and it is further authorized to become sole surety in all cases
where, by law, two or more sureties are required for the faithful
performance of any trust or officer; and it shall be lawful for
any court, register, clerk or other officer to approve said com-
pany as sole surety in all such cases; but in such cases the
officers and affairs of said company may be subject to an
examination by said court, register, clerk or other officer; and
it shall be lawful for said company to stipulate and provide for


May give
bond for
any person.

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Session Laws, 1894 Session
Volume 480, Page 353   View pdf image (33K)
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