building adjacent to that in which the fire occurred, should he
deem it necessary to the proper discharge of his duties.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the entire expense of the
Expenses of
office hereby created shall not exceed fifty-five hundred dollars
($5,500) a year, which shall be paid out of moneys paid into
the State treasury by or for the insurance companies doing
business in this State; and immediately upon the qualification
of the fire marshal, as provided herein, the Treasurer of the
State shall, upon the warrant of the Comptroller, pay to the
said fire marshal the sum of twenty-seven hundred and fifty
dollars ($2,750), and a like sum at the expiration of each suc-
ceeding period of six months, and out of the moneys thus by
said fire marshal received, he shall pay himself a salary of
twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500) per annum, payable in
monthly installments; and he shall provide himself a clerk at a
salary not exceeding twelve hundred dollars ($1,200) a year,
also payable monthly; he shall also be allowed out of said
moneys a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500) a year
for office rent, and may emploj' from time to time such other
clerical and other assistants, and provide himself with such
means of conveyance as in his judgment the necessities of the
office may require; and when in the proper discharge of his
duties he is compelled to go outside the limits of the city of
Baltimore, he shall be allowed his traveling, hotel and^other
necessary expenses; he shall also provide himself with such
office fixtures and appliances as the needs of his office may
require; and at the end of each year, accounting from the
date of his qualification as fire marshal, lie shall make to
the Comptroller, under oath, a full report of the receipts and
disbursements received and made by him during the preceding
year, and shall at the same time pay into the State treasury
any balance of said sum of fifty-tive hundred dollars ($5,500)
that may then remain unexpended; and said tire marshal shall
keep or cause to be kept fall and accurate accounts of the
finances of his office, and shall also keep or cause to be kept
an accurate record of his official acts.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said tire marshal shall
have an office in the city of Baltimore, but in making exami-
nations as to fires occurring outside of the city of Baltimore,
the tire marshal shall, when, in his judgment, the proper dis-
charge of his duties require it, visit the county town or city
where such tires occurred.