Power of
judges under
section 47,
article 16.
SEC. 3. No provision of this act shall be at any time con-
strued as in any way abrogating, limiting or abolishing the
powers of judges of the Circuit Courts under section 47, article
16, of the Code of Public General Laws, providing for the
committal of inebriates.
Power of
SEC. 4. The officers of whatever institutions may be desig-
nated for the treatment of the habitual drunkards, payment
for whose cure is provided by this act, shall become sworn
officers of the court committing said habitual drunkards to
their care, and shall have power to enforce such reasonable
rules as may be necessary for the administration of treatment
to the patient provided for and created by this act, but they
shall receive no fee or compensation from any county or the
city of Baltimore, other than the sum provided and limited by
section 2 of this act.
Who deemed
a drunkard,
SEC. 5. A drunkard, as mentioned in the foregoing sections
of this act, shall be deemed to include any person who has
acquired the habit of using spirituous, malt or fermented
liquors, cocaine or other narcotics to such a degree as to
deprive him or her of reasonable self-control.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 3d, 1894.
AN ACT to create a fire marshal for the State of Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Fire marshal
Maryland, That the Governor of the State of Maryland shall,
by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, biennially
appoint an officer to be known as the State Fire Marshal, who
shall hold his office until his successor shall have been duly
appointed and qualified; he shall be a citizen of the State, and
be subject to removal, for cause, at any time by the Governor ;
and in the event of the death, resignation, refusal to act or
removal of said officer during a recess of the Legislature, the
Governor shall appoint some one to fill said office for the un-
expired term; and before entering upon the discharge of his
duties under this act, said officer shall take and subscribe