of commis-
Caleb C. Magruder, Washington Dannenhower and Thomas
Parran, hereinbefore appointed commissioners of the said
town, shall meet within thirty days from the passage of this
act, and take the oath of office prescribed, before a justice of
the peace for Calvert' county, and organize as a board by the
election of one of tlieir number as president, and appoint a
secretary and treasurer, one bailiff, and they may, from time to
time, appoint a collector of taxes and such other officers as
may be found necessary, and do and perform all things required
or allowed to be done by the Commissioners of Chesapeake
Beach under this provision of this act; and they are hereby
invested with all the powers, and are required to perform all
the duties authorized or required to be done by commissioners
of said town under this act, and shall continue in office until
the first election under this act, and tlieir successors are elected
and qualified.
SEC. 9. And Be it enacted, The the president of said board
Powers and
duties of
of commissioners, by virtue of his office as president and
mayor of said town, shall have all the jurisdiction and powers
of a justice of the peace, except as to the recovery of debts,
and may call upon any officer of said town entrusted with the
receipts and expenditures of public money, for a statement of
his accounts, as often as he may think necessary. He shall see
that the ordinances of the board are duly and faithfully
executed, and shall report annually to the board of commis-
sioners at their first annual meeting, the general state of the
affairs of the town, with an accurate account of all moneys
received and expended during the preceding year, to be made
public for the information of the citizens.
SEC. 10. And Be it enacted. That the commissioners of said
Meetings of
town shall meet on the second Monday of May in each year, .
and shall continue in session until such business as may come
before them has been fully disposed of, not exceeding sixty
days; provided, however, that they may, by ordinance or reso-
lution, so arrange their sittings that the same may be held
continuously or otherwise; and provided further, that the
president of the board may convene said commissioners in
extra session, whenever, in his judgment, the public interest
may demand it.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That said commissioners may
compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner and
under such penalties as they may by ordinance provide; they
shall judge of the election returns, and settle their rales of