SEC. 752. The annual salary of each of the said physicians
shall be the sum of one thousand dollars, payable in equal
monthly installments, but the tenure of office of the said
physicians, and each of them, shall be determinable within the
appointed year by a majority of the said board, and in their
exclusive discretion, and the said physicians, and each of them,
shall be compensated only up to the time of such determi-
nation at the rate of the annual salary aforesaid.
Approved April 3d, 1894.
Salaries of
AN ACT to repeal section 397 of Article 27 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Crimes and
Punishments," sub-title "State Penitentiary," and to re-enact
the same with amendments.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That section 397 of article 27 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Crimes and Punish-
ments," sub-title "State Penitentiary," be and the same is
hereby repealed and re-enacted so as to read as follows:
SEC. 397. The warden shall receive a salary at the rate of
three thousand dollars per year, and shall be allowed subsist-
ence, fuel and the occupancy of such parts of the front build-
ing as a dwelling, as are not used for purposes of the
penitentiary, and all necessary out houses, yards and grounds
not within the walls of the prison proper, but shall receive no
other pay, emoluments or perquisites for his services.
Salary of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effecl
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 29th, 1894.