Bonds of clerk
and chief
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the clerk and chief bailiff
shall give bond to the commissioners in such penalty and with
such sureties as the said commissioners may require, conditioned
for the faithful performance of the duties of their respective
ers to decide
upon elec-
tion returns.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the commissioners shall
receive all returns of elections, and determine all questions
arising thereon; and in case of no election of a commissioner
or treasurer, by reason of a tie vote, disqualification or other
cause, shall, within ten days thereafter, order a new election,
Powers of
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the commissioners may
provide by ordinance for the good government of the town,
for the preservation of peace and order therein and for secur-
ing to the residents of said town all the rights of persons and
property, to which they are by law entitled; for the surveying,
grading, paving, repairing, draining, laying out, extending,
widening, opening, closing, straightening or relocating any
street, sidewalk or alley in said town, and may condemn or
purchase the right of way for any street or alley, which they
may determine shall be opened for the public good; the pro-
cess of condemnation to conform, as far as may be, to the con-
demnation of property for roadways by the commissioners
of Prince George's county, as authorized by law; for the
removal of nuisances; for the removal of obstructions from
streets, lanes and alleys; for establishment of building lines
and of building regulations; for prohibiting the carrying of
concealed weapons; for prohibiting the discharge of firearms,
fire-crackers, torpedoes and other explosives; for preventing
swine, cattle, fowls, dogs or other animals from running at
large on the streets; for licensing theatrical or other amuse-
ments; for the suppression of gambling, vice and immorality;
for apprehending and punishing all tramps and vagrants; they
may pass all ordinances necessary, from time to time, to carry
out and enforce the foregoing provisions, and to give full force
and effect to the powers and authority conferred on said cor-
May impose
poration, and may enforce such ordinances by reasonable fines
and penalties, not exceeding twenty-five dollars in any one
case, as may appear to them right; they may recover said fine
or penalty by an action of debt, and in addition thereto, may
imprison the offender until the fine be paid, not exceeding