No. 137. An act to enable the board of trustees of the "First
German Evangelical Lutheran St. John's Congregation of
Baltimore city," a religious corporation duly incorporated
under the laws of the State of Maryland, to sell and convey
certain lots therein with the improvements thereon .........
No. 138. An act to incorporate the Commonwealth Savings
Bank ................................................
No. 139. An act to repeal section 42 of article thirteen of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title "Harford County," sub-
title "Birds and Game," as enacted by chapter 40 of the Acts
of Assembly of eighteen hundred and ninety, and sections
43 and 46 of said article under said sub-title; also to repeal
so much of chapter 412 of the Acts of Assembly of the
year eighteen hundred and ninety-two as applies to Harford
county, and to re-enact said sections 42, 43 and 46 of said
article thirteen, with amendments; also to add an additional
section to said article thirteen, under said sub-title, to follow
said section 42, and to be numbered 42 A..................
No. 140. An act to repeal sections 67 to 85, both inclusive, sec-
tion 86, as amended by the act of 1890, chapter 304, section
86 A and 86 B, as enacted by the act of 1890, chapter 304, sec-
tion 87, 88 and 89, and section 89 A, as enacted by the act
of 1890, chapter 282, of article 56 of the Code of Public
General Laws of the State of Maryland, title "Licenses,"
under the respective sub titles "Ordinary Keeper," "Oyster
or Eating Houses," and "Penalties," so far as the same apply
to Allegany county; to repeal chapter 438 of the act of
1892. entitled "An act to regulate the sale of spirituous or
fermented liquors within three miles in every direction of
the City of Cumberland, Maryland," and by this act to regu-
late the sale of spirituous and fermented liquors in Allegany
county, by adding new sections to article one of the Code of
Public Local Laws of the State of Maryland, title "Allegany
County," under sub title "Intoxicating Liquors," said sections
to follow immediately after section 174, and to be designated
as sections 175, 175 A, 175 B, 175 C, 175 D, 175 E, 175 F, 175 G
175 H, 175 I, 175 J, 175K, 175 L, 175 M, 175 N, and 175 O
No. 141. An act authorizing and empowering the County Com-
missioners of Talbot county to appoint an additional constable
for the 4th election district of said county
No. 142. An act to add new sections to the Code of Public
General Laws, article 27, entitled "Crimes and Punishments,"