from Courts of Law," by adding an additional section there-
to, to be designated as section 10 A... ....................
No. 34. An act to authorize and direct the County Commission-
ers of Frederick county to levy a sum of money to refund to
Mary S. Firor, executrix of the last will and testament of
Martin D. Firor, deceased, late of said county, the amount of
taxes paid in error......................................
No. 35. An act to empower the County Commissioners of St.
Mary's county to levy a sum of money for the building of a
school house for colored children in Park Hall section, eighth
election district of St. Mary's county ................ , . .
No. 36. An act to enable the registered qualified voters of Cecil
county to determine by ballot whether spirituous or fermented
liquors, or cider shall be sold in said county ...............
No. 37. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments, section
127 of article 116 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"Montgomery County," sub-title "Justices of the Peace and
Constables "..........................................
No. 30. An act to declare the sanction and consent of the
General Assembly of Maryland to sundry grants, sales, leases
and deeds made by various persons and corporations in this
State, to and for the use and benefit of sundry religions cor-
porations hereinafter named ........ ...................
No. 40. An act to repeal sections 55 to 89, both inclusive, of
article 56 of the Code of Public General Laws, title
"Licenses," sub-title "Spirituous and Fermented Liquors by
Retailers, &c.," so far as the same apply to St. Mary's
county, and to repeal chapter 427 of the acts of eighteen
hundred and ninety two, entitled, an act to regulate the sale
of spirituous and fermented liquors in St. Mary's connty, and
to regulate the issuing of license therefor'; and to add certain
new sections to article 19 of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "St. Mary's county," sub-title "Spirituous and Fer-
mented Liquors," said sections to follow immediately after
section 79, and to be numbered section 79 A and 79 B.......
No. 41. An act to add two (2) additional sections, to be num-
bered 120 and 121 of article 25 of the Code of Public
General Laws of the State of Maryland, relating to County
Commissioners, authorizing County Commissioners to take
and hold in trust money or other property given, devised or
bequeathed to them for purposes of education..............