No. 14. An act to refund to certain registers of wills, various
sums of money erroneously paid by them into the treasury ...
No. 15. An act to repeal and re enact sections one and three
of article 76 of the Code of Public General Laws, entitled
"Publication of Laws," with amendments ................
No. 16. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments, section
312 of article 11 of the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled
"Frederick County," sub-title "Mechanicstown," and to add
an additional section to follow alter section 350, and to be
known as section 350 A .................................
No. 18. An act to empower the County Commissioners of
Charles county, in their discretion, to levy a sum of money
for the building of a school house for white children in the
vicinity of "Loves Store," ninth election district of Charles
county ..... ........................ ......... ....
No. 19. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Tal-
bot county to borrow money for the purpose of building; and
furnishing a school house in Easton for the accommodation
of the County High and Manual Training School, to issue
bonds therefor, and to levy a tax for the payment of the
same ................................................
No. 20. An act to repeal section two of article twenty of the
Code of Public General Laws, title "Constables," sub-title
"Qualifications," so far as the same applies to Prince George's
county, and to add a new section to article seventeen of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title " Prince George's County,"
sub-title "Constables — Qualifications," to follow section 85,
and to be numbered section 85 A..........................
No. 21. An act to repeal section 361 of article four of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title "City of Baltimore," sub-
title "Harbor, Docks and Wharves," as amended by chapter
484 of the acts of 1892. and to repeal section 367 of article
four of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "City of Balti-
more," sub-title "Harbor, Docks and Wharves," and to re-
enact these sections with amendments.....................
No. 22. An act to amend the charter of the Supreme Lodge of
the Order of the Golden Chain of Baltimore City, a corpora-
tion duly formed under the provisions of article 23 of the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Corpora-
No. 23. An act to repeal chapter one hundred and fifty-three,
passed at the January session of the General Assembly,
eighteen hundred and ninety, entitled an act to protect the