Calvert County — Academic Fund ............. ..... ...........
Chps. 105 of 1854, 128 of 1864
and 682 of 1893 .
1,200 00
Caroline County — Academic Fund ...... ... ....................
Res. 34 of 1831 and Chps. 128
of 1864 and 682 of 1892..
1,200 00
Carroll County — Western Maryland College and Academies Fund
Chps. 239 of 1878, 279 of 1890,
606 and 682 of 1892.....
7,700 00
Cecil County — Elkton and West Nottingham Academies and
Northeast Classical Seminary........ ......................
" 88 of 1870 and 682 of
1892....... ...........
1,200 00
Charles County — Charlotte Hall School and Academic Fund .....
" 204 of 1835, 128 of 1864,
237 of 1884 and 682 of
3,000 00
Dorchester County — Cambridge, East New Market and Vienna
Academies and Cambridge Female Seminary ... ...........
Res. 34 of 1831, Chps. 201 oi
1858, 339 of 1878 and 682
Frederick County — Frederick County College and St. John's
of 1892..................
1,600 00
Literary Institute ..........................................
" 1 of 1832, Chps. 10 of
1798, 35 of 1840 and 682
of 1892. ... ...........
1,200 00
Garrett County — Academic Fund.................. ..... .......
Chps. 176 of 1874, 500 and
452 of 1890............
2,400 00
Harford County — Harford County, Darlington and Havre de
Grace Academies and Academic Fund ........... ..........
78 of 1870, 183 of 1868,
173 of 1890 and 682 of
1892........ .... .....
1,500 00
Howard County — Academic Fund...............................
128 of 1864, 242 of 1870
and 682 of 1892........
1,200 00
Kent County — Washington College and Shrewsbery Academies ...
Res. 64 of 1834, 35 of 1839,
31 of 1848, Chps. 219 of
1856, 339 of 1870, 154,
155 and 682 of 1892...
7,008 83
Montgomery County — Rockville and Brookville Academies.......
" 52 of 1811, 84 of 1834,
Chps. 310 of 1858 and
682 of 1892 ............
1,400 00
Prince George's County — Upper Marlboro Academy and Academic
Chps. 204 of 1835, 128 of 1864
Fund ................................ ...................
and 682 of 1892.......
1,200 00
Carried forward.. ...................... .........
$ 35,408 33
$ 69,927 36