SEC, 8. And be it enacted, That the commissioners may
annually appoint a bailiff for said town, who shall perform
such duties as may be required of him by said commissioners,
and preserve peace and good order in said town, and for that
purpose he shall have all the powers of a constable.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the commissioners and all
Bailiff Co be
other officers of the corporation shall, before they enter upon
the duties of their offices, make oath that they will diligently
and faithfully, to the best of their skill and judgment, perform
the duties of their office, and shall file a certificate thereof,
signed by the officer before whom said oath was made, among
the records of the corporation.
Oath of
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the commissioners shall
receive all election returns and determine all questions arising
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the commissioners may
pass such ordinances, not inconsistent with laws, as they may
deem beneficial to the town, may open and close streets, lanes
and alleys, grade and pave the same, remove nuisances and
obstructions therefrom, restrain all disorders and disturbances,
such as wilfully disturbing the citizens of the town by loud,
unseemly noises, profanely cursing and swearing or using
obscene language within said corporate limits, prevent all con-
gregations of disorderly persons in public places, and may
impose tines, penalties and forfeitures for the violation of their
ordinances, and may commit all offenders to the county jail
until the same be paid with cost.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That any fines, penalties and
May pass or-
forfeitures imposed by this charter or by any ordinance of the
commissioners, may he collected by proceedings in the name
of the commissioners, before a justice of the peace; and the
justice of the peace shall have power to commit the offenders
to. the county jail, in failure to pay such fines and forfeitures,
until the same shall be paid with costs.
Recovery of
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the commissioners may, as
often as they may deem advisable, cause an assessment to be.
made of all the real and personal property within the corpo-
rate limits of said town, subject to assessments for State and
county purposes, provided that no land included within the
corporate limits of said town, except houses and gardens, shall
be taxed for corporate purposes, so long as said land shall be
ot property.