CHAP. 84
and collected from said corporation, and may be charged to
the account of such non-resident stockholders in the said
corporation, and shall be a lien on the stocks therein held
by such stockholders, respectively, until paid, and in no case
shall the stock of any corporation, in the aggregate, be
valued at less than the full value of the real estate and
chattels, real or personal, held by or belonging to such cor-
poration in the several counties and city of Baltimore,
whether the s'hares of said stock are quoted on the market
or not; in case of failure or refusal to comply with this
requirement the said bank or other incorporated institution
shall be liable to the penalty hereinbefore prescribed; and
the president and cashier or treasurer of any such bank or
other incorporated institution failing to comply in every
Liable to in-
respect with the provisions of this section shall be liable to
indictment therefor, and on conviction shall be fined not less
than five hundred dollars nor more than five thousand
dollars, in the discretion of the Court, and shall stand com-
mitted until such fine is paid.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 13, 1906.
AN ACT authorizing and directing the County Commission-
ers of Queen Anne's County to use of the residue of the
sales from the bonds for the erection of the Kent Island
Narrows Bridge and unused therein, in the purchase of
metalic cases, files and shelves for the clerk's office of
said county, and for the application of any balance of
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
and directed
to use resi-
due of the
sale of
bonds, etc.
land, That the County Commissioners of Queen Anne's
county are authorized and directed to apply as they may
deem proper of the sales from the bonds for the erection of
the Kent Island Narrows Bridge and unused therefor, in the
purchase of metalic cases, files and shelves for the clerk's
office of said county, and then any balance in paying said