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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 876   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 458

bonds issued under the powers herein conferred the Mayor
and Council shall annually levy a tax exclusive of the tax of

Special tax

fifty cents on the property of the town elsewhere provided
for, upon the assessable property of the town sufficient to pay
the bond or bonds maturing in each year that may be issued
under this Act and the interest thereon and the interest on
all bonds outstanding and unpaid; and the amount of said
tax shall be kept separately by the said Mayor and Council
and not used for any other purpose than as herein specified.

97 K. Whenever the Mayor and Council shall by ordinance
order the opening of a new street or alley or the widening,


straightening or improvement of a street or alley, or the con-
struction of any park, public square, sewer or system of
sewers, water works, gas works, bridge or other public
improvements, the Mayor shall, by and with the consent of
the Council, appoint three of the legal voters and free holders
of the town not office holders, who, together with the Mayor
and town attorney, shall constitute a commission to examine
and report on the proposed improvements; and if the said
commission, or a majority of them, shall certify to the Mayor
and Council that any land, building, stone, material or other
property belonging to any person or corporation, or the
removal thereof, shall be necessary or convenient for the
construction of the proposed improvement, the Mayor and
Council may acquire such property, or may agree with the
owner or owners thereof for the purchase, use, occupation or
removal of the same, and if they cannot agree, and if the
owner or owners or any of them be an infant feme covert,
who is not possessed of the property to her sole and sepa-
rate use, or authorized to contract with reference to the same,
non compos mentis, or out of the town when such property
may be wanted, or for any cause be legally incapable of con-
tracting, application may be made by the Mayor to any
justice of the peace of Talbot county, who shall thereupon
issue his warrant under his hand and seal to the sheriff
of the county, requiring him to summon a jury of
twenty qualified voters of said town above the age of twenty-
one years, and qualified to act as jurors under the laws of
this State, not related to the parties nor in any wise inter-
ested, to meet on the lands or near the material or property
wanted for the proposed improvement, on a day named in
said warrants, not less than ten nor more than twenty days-


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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 876   View pdf image (33K)
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