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duty of said town clerk to enter alphabetically on a ledger
the entire account of each taxpayer in one place, so that the
whole may be seen and easily examined.
83. All books, documents, and papers, accounts, credits
Books, docu-
ments, etc.,
his successor
in office.
and deposits belonging to said town clerk's office or in the
custody of said Council shall be delivered up and transferred
by him to his successor in office when such successor is duly
appointed and qualified; provided, that the tax levies placed
in said town clerk's hands for his collection, or so much
thereof as may be uncollected or unaccounted for by him,
and for which his bond is responsible, shall not be delivered
or assigned over to his successor in office, and his rights,
powers and duties as to collecting and reporting the same
shall continue, and he shall collect and pay over the same as
collected to the Mayor and Council by certificates of deposit,
as provided for in this Act.
84. The said town clerk shall, at least once in each week,
Money to be
deposited in
deposit in a national bank in Easton all taxes and moneys
received or collected by him up to the date of such deposit
to the credit of the Mayor and Council of Easton, and he
shall receive from the national bank a certificate of deposit
for each deposit to the credit of the Mayor and Council of
Easton, which certificate he shall deliver to said Council at
their next regular meeting, and for which said Council shall
give to said town clerk a proper receipt or voucher, and said
money shall only be drawn from said bank upon the check
of the Mayor, countersigned by the town clerk, in payment
of debts and accounts due by " The Mayor and Council of
Easton," duly approved and passed by said Council and by
them ordered to be paid.
85. If taxes be due and owing upon real and personal
Lien on
property by any taxpayer, the whole of said taxes shall be
a lien on said real property, and said real property may be
sold to pay the same without regard to the existence of per-
sonal property.
86. Whenever it shall become necessary for said town clerk
Property to be
for sale for
to enforce the payment of taxes by a sale of real property, he
shall advertise such real property, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, once a week for four successive weeks, in one
newspaper published in Talbot county and by notice set up at
the court house door in Easton; and any advertised notice of
a sale under this Act shall be deemed sufficient if it contain