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clerk, or for which he shall be secured by a fidelity or surety
company qualified to act as security or guarantor under the
laws of Maryland; and the same shall be approved by the
Council or a majority of them, and when signed and approved
shall be delivered by them to the clerk of the Circuit Court
for record; and upon his failure to give bond within thirty
days after his confirmation, the Mayor shall, with the
approval of said Council, appoint another person to act as
town clerk as aforesaid; and in case of vacancy in said
office from any cause, the Mayor shall fill the same for the
balance of the term; and any person so appointed shall
take the oath and give the bond herein required, and perform
all the duties of the said office. The said town clerk is
hereby empowered to administer an oath or affirmation to
any person presenting a claim or account against the Mayor
and Council, but shall not be allowed any fee for same.
78. He shall keep the assessment books with the names of
taxpayers arranged alphabetically, stating the value of each
book to be
piece of property, real or personal, assessed with sufficient
description thereof to identify the same. He shall keep a
full and fair cash account showing the sums of money
received by him, stating the source from whence the same
was received, and showing all the money, paid out by him,
to whom and for what purpose; and all the books, documents
and papers pertaining to his office shall be supplied by the
Council, be the property of the Mayor and Council, and be
kept in the Council room, and at all times subject to the
examination of the Mayor and Council and any taxpayer of
said town.
79. It shall be the duty of the town clerk during the
month of July, after such annual levy, to give notice thereof
Notice to be
given of dis-
counts and
by advertisement inserted once a week for two successive
weeks in one or more newspapers published in Easton, and
to prepare the tax bills of each taxpayer and forward the
same by mail, or deliver the same to the person or corporate
institution, or to the agent of the person or corporate insti-
tution to whom the property included in such bill is assessed,
so far as their residence or postoffice address may be known
to or ascertained by said town clerk, on or before the first
day of August next succeeding said levy, and such adver-
tisement, hand bills and tax bills shall also contain a clear
statement of the discounts to be allowed and the interest
to be charged.