the acquisition of any land necessary or appropriate to be in
connection therewith, but no part of the proceeds of said
bonds or any moneys levied or assessed for the purpose of
constructing said system shall be payable, unless upon the
orders of the commissioners of Denton.
SEC. 6. And be it. enacted, That the said bonds shall be
issued to mature at such dates as shall not require to be
CHAP. 332
levied in any one year more than $500.00 of the principal
sum thereof, and that the said bonds shall be redeemable
with interest by said commissioners of Denton after maturity
thereof, which shall not be less than three or more than
fourteen years from the date of issue, which said date of
issue may be from time to time as the commissioners of
Denton may elect.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That to redeem any of said
Maturity of
bonds that are issued the commissioners of Denton shall
annually levy a special sewer tax upon all property, real and
personal in the town of Denton subject to taxation, in
addition to the regular annual taxes authorized to be levied
and collected by Section 92, Article 6 of the public local
laws of Maryland, and Section 104 D of the Acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland, 1896, Chapter 390£, suffi-
cient to pay the interest on said loan and such portion of
the principal sum as is deemed advisable, not less than the
sum of five hundred dollars of said principal for the creation
of a fund for the redemption of said bonds at maturity, and
the said tax shall be levied at the same time and shall
become due and be in arrear at the same time; shall bear
interest from the same date and be liens on all the property
of the person and corporation assessed, and shall be collected
as other taxes authorized to be levied by said commissioners
Special sewer
tax levied.
of Denton; said levy to be separately kept and to be desig-
nated as the "Sewer Fund," and to be deposited in some
bank that will secure the return of said money with interest
thereon at such rate as may be agreed upon between the
said bank and commissioners of Denton; and no part of
said redemption fund shall be issued or paid out for any
purpose whatever except the redemption of said bonds; and
if the commissioners of Denton shall directly or indirectly
use or pay out any portion of the funds levied for the pay-
Levy to be
ment of the principal or interest of the said bonds for any
other purpose, they shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
Guilty of mis-