repair the bailiff or other person appointed by the commis-
sioners shall give two days' notice of the time and place of
work, and any person failing to do the work or to send the
substitute shall pay one dollar for each day so neglected for
the use of the commissioners of said town, and that a list be
kept of all who work on the road, and that no one be caused
to work the second time until all shall have been called to
work as above prescribed.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That any person failing to com-
CHAP. 325
ply with the preceding section shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor and may be arrested and brought before some justice
of the peace for Wicomico county upon a warrant issued by
said justice of the peace in the name of the State of Mary-
land, and upon proof of such failure be fined one dollar for
each day so neglected and the cost of the suit, and in default
of payment may be committed to the jail of said county for
five days.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
Guilty of mis-
elected shall prescribe such ordinances as they may deem
wise and expedient and then submit the same to the voters
of the aforesaid town for their adoption, and that such ordi-
nances shall be printed and posted up in two public places
three weeks before the election is called for said purpose.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of said
town may annually levy a tax for the expenses of the corpo-
ration upon the taxable property within the limits of the town,
real and personal, and the same shall be collected by the clerk
of the commissioners, and who shall give bond in such
amount as they shall perscribe, and the said collector, in
collecting the said taxes, shall have full power to distrain for
the purpose in the same manner as the collector of the State
and county taxes have, but said tax shall not exceed ten
cents on the one hundred dollars for the one year, and the
basis of taxation shall be the assessment as for county
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
may execute all ordinances not contrary to the laws of this
Tax to be
State necessary to give effect and operation to the power
vested in them, and in absence of ordinances the law of the
county shall be the law of the town.