CHAP. 325
Body corporate
a body corporate by the name of the Commissioners of
Mardela Springs, with all the powers and privileges of a
body politic and corporate, and by said corporate name may
have perpetual succession, sue and be sued, plead and be
impleaded in any court of law or equity and have and use a
common seal and purchase and hold real, personal or mixed
property and sell and dispose of the same for the benefit of
the town.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the bounds and limits of
said town shall be as follows: Beginning on the north side
of Barron creek where Mr. W. R. Solloway now lives, and
thence running north following the boundary line of Mr. J.
E. Bacon's farm at the rear of the lots on Bridge street to
the southeast corner of Samuel J. Bounds' lot; then west to
the southwest corner of J. L. English's lot; thence north at
right angles with Railroad avenue; and thence east on Rail-
road avenue to a point one hundred and fifty yards (150
yards) from Station avenue; and thence in a northerly direc-
tion to a line making a right angle on the south side of the
farm now owned by Dr. L. N. Wilson; and thence southeast
following the branch to a bridge, and then on a straight line
to an oak tree, which is a corner, and from there on a straight
line to the southeast side of presbyterian church to the
creek aforesaid; and from this point following the highland
to the place of beginning.
SEC. 3 And be it enacted, That the legal voters of the town
of Mardela Springs, who have resided in the above corpo-
of commis-
rate limits six months preceding the election, and other
males of legal age who own property in the town, shall, on
the second Tuesday of April in the year 1906, and every
year thereafter on the second Tuesday of April, elect by a
ballot five persons to be commissioners of said town to hold
their office for one year from the date of their election and
until their successors are elected and qualified, and the
services of the s.aid commissioners shall be gratuitous.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the first election shall be at
some convenient place selected by the judges thereof; that
Election to be
held — Judges
the judges of the elections shall be Irving N. Cooper, Thomas
R. Bounds and William J. Graham; that they shall appoint
a clerk; that the polls shall be opened at nine o'clock A. M.
and closed at three o'clock P. M., when the ballots shall be
carefully counted and report filed with the commissioners of