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such compensation for his services as the Council may deem
proper, such compensation however to be fixed at the date
of his appointment; and he shall not receive any other fees
or compensation for his services except that fixed at the date
of his appointment. And any tax collector who shall violate
the provisions of this section shall be liable to indictment
in the Circuit Court for Washington county, and upon con-
viction shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, at the discretion
of the court.
Section 237. The burgess and commissioners shall appoint
one of their number treasurer of said corporation, who shall
Treasurer to be
be the custodian of the corporate funds; the said treasurer
shall receive from the tax collector all moneys collected and
received by the tax collector, and also from the burgess, all
moneys collected and received by the burgess for licenses
granted or otherwise, and shall keep all moneys received
by him from the burgess and tax collector as aforesaid, or
any preceding treasurer, to pay out such sums only as may
be ordered by the burgess and commissioners, and upon
warrants drawn on him, signed by the burgess and attested
by the clerk. He shall make, under oath, semi-annual
reports showing the condition of his receipts and disburse-
ments; he shall give bond, receive compensation and be
subject to the same penalty as herein provided for the tax
Section 238. The burgess and commissioners, or a
majority of them, may appoint a bailiff for said town, who
Balliff to be
shall have the same powers as a constable of Washington
county, and any person resisting the said bailiff in the dis-
charge of his duties shall be liable, upon conviction before
the police justice of said town, to punishment in the same
manner and to the same extent as if he had resisted a con-
stable; any bailiff so appointed who shall be guilty of official
misconduct shall be proceeded against by presentment and
indictment in the Circuit Court for Washington county, and
if found guilty he shall be fined the sum of fifty dollars or
imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding
three months, or both, in the discretion of the court; the said
bailiff so appointed shall receive for his services the same
fees as are allowed by law to constables in Washington
county for similar services; the said burgess and commission-
ers may also allow said bailiff such salary for the perform-