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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 30   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 30

Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, as amended
by said Chapter 17 of said Acts of 1904, title, "Wash-
ington County," sub-title " Williamsport."

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 409 of Chapter 17 of the Acts of the

Repeal and

General Assembly of Maryland of the session of 1904 of
Article 22 of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland,
as amended by said Chapter 17 of said Act of 1904, title
"Washington County," sub-title "Williamsport," be and
the said section is hereby 'repealed and re-enacted with
amendments, so as to read as follows :

Section 409. That annually, after each election and after

Police Justice
to be ap-

the qualification of the officers elected, the Burgers shall, by
and with the advice and consent of the said Commissioners
of Williamsport, appoint one of the Justices of the Peace
in Williamsport to act as a Police Justice of the said cor-
poration, who shall have power to issue warrants command-
ing the bailiff of said corporation or any constable of Wash-
ington county to arrest any person violating any of the
ordinances of said corporation and to have him brought
before him for trial, and he shall have the same power to
summon witnesses and to enforce their attendance in these
cases that he has in all other cases coming before him as
Justice of the Peace; and after the trial of such persons he,
in case of conviction, may impose such fine as the ordinances
of said corporation in such case provides, not to exceed the
sum of twenty dollars in any case; and the person convicted
may, in default of the payment of the costs and fine, be
committed to the jail of the county until such fines and
costs or forfeitures be paid; provided, that where the parties
are committed to jail of the county by the said Police
Justice, acting for the Burgers and Commissioners, the
number of days of imprisonment shall be double the fines
and costs, that is to say, for every one dollar of the amount
of the fine and costs the culprit shall have two days in jail,
and where the time has expired according to his commitment,
the fine or forfeiture shall be considered as paid and the
prisoner discharged, but in no case shall the term of impris-
onment exceed thirty days in trivial cases. However, the
Police Justice may, in his discretion, place the offender in
custody of the bailiff to work out his sentence on the streets


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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 30   View pdf image (33K)
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